Monday, June 05, 2006

One Tough Week!

I think that most people know this already, but last monday night my dad passed away. He was 84 years of age and was in a seniors care home at the time. Since I am the closest sibling geographically and also his power of attorney I was the first to be informed of his condition. Unfortunately I happened to be in Calgary for work on monday night when I found out. I got the news shortly after midnight on last monday nite. I got maybe one hour of sleep that night. Since that time it has certainly been a roller coaster ride, emotionally. I was very close to my father so this has been very had. I have found that it doesn't really matter how much you try to prepare mentally and spiritually for this to come, it is still very difficult and so mentally draining. However, death is just a part of life, and everyone has to deal with it and face it, so that is what I am doing, dealing with it.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who either called or emailed, or sent a card, and most importantly voiced a prayer to God on my or my family's behalf. This has most certainly given me the strength to deal with this difficult situation much more easily. Thank you! Please continue to pray for my mother as she has alzheimers and sometimes doesn't remember and/or understand what is going on. Please pray for her!